Monday 29 September 2014


Quick, guys! The T-Shirts have returned to the merch page! Go get em! There's only a limited selection of sizes available but you never know, you could be in luck...

Tuesday 9 September 2014


+ 2015
July 16th-19th BOLKOW, (PL) Castle Party
July 25th CLIFTON, NJ (USA) Ghouls Night Out Fest

Thursday 4 September 2014

Wednesday 3 September 2014



"It's been in the works since 2002, and now with VERY GREAT pleasure I can formerly announce that ZOMBINA AND THE SKELETONES! ARE FINALLY. FUCKING FINALLY COMING TO THE UNITED STATES this coming SUMMER and debuting stateside at GHOULS NIGHT OUT FEST 2015. Now this being said, this is NOT going to be cheap or easy, but we've put our heads together and devised a plan. This all depends on YOU. Zombina and the boys will be launching a crowd sourcing campaign shortly to get their undead asses over here. So we're gonna need as much of your help as possible, this whole thing hinges on YOU the fan. YOU have the power to decide the fate of Zombina!" 
- Matt Pathetic, Ghouls Night Out Fest, NJ 

To be continued...


Monday 1 September 2014

ZATS 2003: Nobody Likes You (When You're Dead)

While we're on the subject of bringing back things from the olden days, we just got this slightly clearer looking version of the (again 'classic') "Nobody Likes You (When You're Dead)" video - from Jonny of Liverpool industrial 'eads Sevendaysofnight, who was one of the several cooks involved in this early slice of potent ZATS broth from 2003. Obviously it's not HD or anything (do you remember what digital cameras were like in those days?) but it's a little less crumbly than the other versions currently on Youtube. Anyone spot themselves in the crowd/horde? Does anyone remember anything about this video shoot? We certainly don't, as were drunk/kids...

The return of the old ZATS forum...?

As a little bit of an experiment, we have brought the classic ZATS forum back from the dead. Originally, she served from 2002-2011 and was a source of good-times for a small but dedicated group of Zombina and the Skeletones fans, and was even haunted by the ghosts of the Death Valley High kids in 2006 in an alarming display of supernatural phenomena, before being replaced by the ZATS forum mkII which was a little less well received and attracted a large number of Russian porn-bots... (we shut that one down earlier this year, though you probably didn't notice.)

Anyone who is interested in helping out, try making an account, upload an avatar, post something, mess around with the features and let us know if everything is working properly!

If the days of this kind of forum are proven to truly be over, we will remove it again.

(So far it seems to work really well. Error messages appear for a split second after each post is posted, but they seem to mean nothing... we shall see.)