Monday, 24 February 2014

Louderthanbombs Reviews Charnel House Rock

Thanks to Louderthanbombs website for their sweet review of Charnel House Rock. Check it out...

In other news, if you like a good podcast then try the Mick Mercer Radio Show. He hasn't played any ZATS yet, but last week he played both White Blacula and Double Echo, and this week BEAT BATS! If you don't know Mick, he's an authority on goth music from back in the day. He wrote The Hex Files and put out the excellent 'Gothic Rock' series of compilations which everyone seemed to have at one time...

PS It's the last call for pre-orders this week! Charnel House Rock is out March 3rd... after that I guess we're going to have to start simply calling them 'orders'.